Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Don't grow a mustache!

Aaron is my dad. He is 38 and is a put-people-to-sleep-nurse. He has passed these REALLY REALLY hard tests. And one time he had a giant test to be done with school. Oh and he was growing a MUSTACHE at the time!!!! He said, "I'm going to keep the mustache on until I pass the test." He did not look good with it.  But he passed the test! I am very very glad.

My dad likes to drive crazy and when I say crazy, I mean CRAZY! It makes us laugh. His favorite football team is the Patriots. He has never missed a game. Dad yells and dances whenever they score! The first thing he ever drew was a football! Dad even tells people that if they like the Patriots, they can move into our house! He was even born on Super Bowl Sunday!

He also likes dirt bikes, crocodiles and cool cars.

My saying for the day is: If you have a dad that is crazy, just do what he says.


  1. I love the saying of the day!! Just do what he says..... Hahahaha!!!

  2. So that picture is his real mustache? Ewww it's a molestache!!

  3. Awesome Ash!!😄😄😄

  4. I totally agree!! My dad is also crazy and I normally just go with it!!

  5. Your Dad and I used to hang out a whole bunch we were growing up in Rigby. He's one of my favorite people of all time, with or without his crazy mustache!
