Sunday, October 29, 2017

Unexpected Trials

What a life!

Sorry I have not posted in a while. My life has taken a devastating turn since last year.

Here are all of the good things.

My family and I have moved into a smaller house in the middle of nowhere which is the best thing ever for me because there are acres and acres of woods for me to explore. We are getting a german shepherd puppy!!!!!! I can't stop talking about it, and I think my mom is going deaf because of it. I know they are a lot of work, but I have nothing better to do.☺I have done a ton of research, so much so, I think my brain will literally explode.

And now for the bad parts. :-(

I have had headaches since last year. They are constantly hurting and I haven't had a second of relief since the beginning of summer. It sucks really bad and I have a doctors appointment almost twice a week now. I can't concentrate or think straight. I haven't been able to read a book for a long time. And because of this, I haven't gone to school in a long time so now I am homeschooled. I hope I don't get weirder. :-) We think the headaches are either a spinal fluid leak or it is related to my back. I have a tethered cord again, and I've had it for the last several months with no symptoms, but just last week I began to have foot pain. It's really bad so I'm sure I will be having surgery again soon. :-(
But hey! I've done it five times before so I'll get through it!

Anyway, I'll be posting a lot more since I have more time on my hands.

The saying for the day is: Whatever life throws at you, just know you will get through it in time. So toughen up and take it like a man, you pansy!

Image result for german shepherd puppies

Sunday, January 15, 2017

I'm back!!

Hi again!

I am so sorry I have not posted in like, a billion years. I do have an excuse. It is is because my life has gotten very busy very fast. I will tell you some big changes that have happened. I am in the 5th grade. I get three times as much homework than I did in Elementary school and it is pretty challenging. But I am in the top math class.

One of the biggest changes is me and my family have moved into a new house! It is definitely an awesome house, but I will not get into any details. I am still doing cello and am now in book 2. I have also developed a liking for surviving outside like backpacking and camping. I will be talking about this a lot in my next blog. Just recently my parents set up an allowance for me and my siblings. I am super excited about this!

Since I have not blogged in a very long time, I am going to make this a weekly chore of mine so that I can remember.

My Saying For The Day Is: When your little brother is annoying you really bad when you are trying to write your blog, don't kill him. It is illegal.