Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Best Dog Name Ever!

I got a dog!!!!!!

Our family finally got our own dog!!!

We got it from the pound, but surprisingly, she is very nice and calm and is very well trained. Her name is April. We were going to name her Death Star, but she was already named so we could not change it.

Me and my dad have a secret plan. We will slowly transition her name into Death Star. First, we will go from April to Apith, and then, we will go from Beth Gar and then Death Star!!!!

Sometimes,  when no one is out there with her,  she will howl as loud as she can and when she does, I think there is a giant wolf waiting for us to come outside so that it can eat us.

Another time she was able to get up into our play ground, but was too scared to get down so we had to push her down the big slide--and when we were trying to push her down, I was on the slide too trying to get her down with a dog treat, but then my sister hurried and pushed her down onto me and we both fell down the slide together!

My saying for the day is: If you hate your name, you can always change it to something better like Death Star.

(She wouldn't my Death Star hat)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Five Surgeries Won't Bring This 9 Year Old Down!


Surgery was a punch to my face!!!!!

Why? Because I was in the hospital for four days but it felt like a million years. I had a lot of pain in my back, the bed was uncomfy (it probably didn't help that I threw up on it once or twice, I don't really remember), and the pills were too big to swallow. 

The nurses and doctors were very nice. One of them brought me a bunch of colored sand so I could make these cool animal prints. Some red sand spilled on me and it looked like I was bleeding! At least it was sparkly blood. 

The best part of the surgery is when I got home. It was nice to see my whole family, but the greatest part is I was able to walk again and even run sometimes! I feel so much better compared to my fourth surgery! I am back in school. Today I made it all day!! 

Some of my goals for this summer are running lots, play baseball and soccer, ride lots of horses, and play with every animal I can get my hands on. 

My saying for the day is: Sometimes life can be really tough, but in order to get to the easy parts, you have to go through the bad parts. And it's worth it!